Welcome to Our Generation USA!
This Page can help you Navigate this Website!
Copyright © 2016 Bert N. Langford
(Images may be subject to copyrights: please send your feedback using the following email address: [email protected])
This Page can help you Navigate this Website!
Copyright © 2016 Bert N. Langford
(Images may be subject to copyrights: please send your feedback using the following email address: [email protected])
The Website Layout below displays the 10 Main Menus (from Left to Right: "HOME" through "EARTH/BEYOND"
appearing in green in the website graphic below) as well as the web pages appearing in black under each Main Menu:
appearing in green in the website graphic below) as well as the web pages appearing in black under each Main Menu:
See also the following 10 Main Menus (L-R) below:

How to Navigate this Web Site
To move about the website, when you move the cursor over each Main Menu name, you will then see a drop-down list of web pages applicable to that Main Menu, and as graphically presented above.
You can either click on any drop-down web page to see all of its topics developed to-date, or (better yet), double-click on the Main Menu link itself to be taken to a list of topics developed to-date for each web page belonging to that Main Menu: clicking on any hyperlink therein will quickly take you to that topic!
(Hyperlinks are used throughout the website to enable visitors to jump to any hyperlink source: as a rule-of-thumb, when you use a hyperlink to enable other content, it opens in a new window in order that you can go back to your previous window by closing the current window by clicking on the "X" in the upper right corner of the screen.)
You can either click on any drop-down web page to see all of its topics developed to-date, or (better yet), double-click on the Main Menu link itself to be taken to a list of topics developed to-date for each web page belonging to that Main Menu: clicking on any hyperlink therein will quickly take you to that topic!
(Hyperlinks are used throughout the website to enable visitors to jump to any hyperlink source: as a rule-of-thumb, when you use a hyperlink to enable other content, it opens in a new window in order that you can go back to your previous window by closing the current window by clicking on the "X" in the upper right corner of the screen.)
Below, you will find navigation links for web pages found under all ten Main Menus, presented from Left ("Home") to Right ("Earth/Beyond"), starting with the HOME main menu:
Under the "HOME" Main Menu you will find the drop-down menu choices:
Below, you will find navigation links for web pages found under all ten Main Menus, presented from Left ("Home") to Right ("Earth/Beyond"), starting with the HOME main menu:
Under the "HOME" Main Menu you will find the drop-down menu choices:
HOME Page and Drop-down Web Pages: click on any the following blue hyperlinks to be taken to that web page or topic :
- HOME Page, including navigating as well as the following drop-down web pages:
- Navigation Web Page: This Page!
- SPOTLIGHT! covering Politics, Music, Media, etc.
- Click Here for New Content covers newest content recently added.
- "About Our Generation, USA!"
Next, you will find a List of drop-down web pages falling under the "HUMANITY Main Menu:
Next, you will find a List of drop-down web pages falling under the "HUMANITY Main Menu:
Humanity main menu includes the following 17 drop-down web pages. Click on any of the following to be taken to that web page OR, click on the Main Menu "HUMANITY" for a listing of topics that have been developed to-date, to be taken directly to that content:
Below, you will find an image of the "INNOVATORS" Main Menu and its 11 drop-down web pages:
- Generations of Mankind as a complex society that is characterized by urban development, social stratification, a form of government, and symbolic systems of communication (such as writing).
- Humanitarians are those Individuals and Institutions dedicated to helping others in Need.
- Our Community covers what we all seek: a sense of community and involvement where we live and, hopefully, thrive.
- American Lifestyles covers our sense of community, whether lifestyle choices, e.g., entertainment, domestic, location, religion, political leanings, race/ethnicity, culture and/or other common traits and interests we share;
- The Tourism Web Page is a separate web page accessible from American Lifestyles
- Children covers having and raising children in today's society.
- Education covers pre-K, elementary, Secondary and Colleges/Universities.
- Senior Living covers activities and programs for retirees, including pension plans and other retirement income, e.g., Social Security and Medicare.
- Culture as a way of life for a specific group of people, including their behavior, race, ethnicity, beliefs, values, and symbols that they accept, generally without thinking about them, and that are passed along by communication and imitation from one generation to the next.
- Cultural Icons are those individuals and institutions whose influence far outreached other icons (e.g., Walt Disney.
- Social Networking covers the many ways in which we can communicate with each other in spite of the quarantines imposed to limit the spread of Covid 19!
- Social Equality seeks equality for all, regardless of gender or creed, age, economic circumstances, religion, and color of skin.
- Being Human covers who we are today, as the dominant species on Earth.
- Human Sexuality covers all forms of human sexuality including laws of attraction, pregnancy and motherhood, regardless of sexual orientation.
- Feminism Covers Feminism and the Pursuit of Social and Economic Equality for Females, without rape, slavery, sexual harassment.
- Health and Fitness covers mental and physical health along with the means for prolonging one's life and quality of life, including health insurance.
- Nutrition covers the foods and liquids we consume, their nutritional value, whether at home or dining out. Also covers malnutrition and obesity.
Below, you will find an image of the "INNOVATORS" Main Menu and its 11 drop-down web pages:
Below you will find links to the Web pages falling under the "INNOVATORS!" Main Menu. Click on any of the following to be taken to that web page OR, click on the Main Menu "INNOVATORS" for a listing of topics that have been developed to-date, to be taken directly to that content:
Below you will find the Web pages falling under the "SPORTS" Main Menu:
- Science
- Modern Medicine
- Our Mobile World
- Computer Advancements
- Innovations (and Their Innovators)
- Architecture (Whether Buildings, Bridges or other Man-made Structures, e.g. the Statue of Liberty)
- Artificial Intelligence, and its Applications
- Best of the Internet
- Cybersecurity
- Energy (resources)
- Nuclear Energy Web Page is a separate web page adjacent to the Energy Web Page.
Below you will find the Web pages falling under the "SPORTS" Main Menu:
Below you will find the Web pages falling under the Sports Main Menu: Click on any of the following sports-related web page to be taken to that web page OR, click on the Main Menu "SPORTS" for a listing of topics that have been developed to-date, to be taken directly to that content:___________________________________________________________________________
The following Main Menu image for "POP ICONS" covers the following web pages (including 2 sub-menus: Actors and Actresses):
The following Main Menu image for "POP ICONS" covers the following web pages (including 2 sub-menus: Actors and Actresses):
Click on any of the following blue hyperlinks to be taken to that web page: Note that by double-clicking on the Main Menu "POP ICONS" page at top, you will find a list of topics developed to-date for each of the listed web pages:
The POP ICONS main menu includes:
Note that by double-clicking on the Main Menu "MUSIC" page at top, you will find a list of topics developed to-date for each of the following listed web pages:
The POP ICONS main menu includes:
- Popular Female Icons are those females considered of special importance due to their major contributions to society.
- Popular Male Icons are those males considered of special importance due to their contributions to society.
- Legends of Our Past are those individual who are no longer with us (or who have since retired), yet whose contributions remain with us today!
- Acting Profession covers the Acting Profession for Television, Stage and/or Movies, including Award Ceremonies and acting schools. Includes two sub-menus (5. and 6.):
- Actors as sub-menu to The Acting Profession above
- Actresses also as sub-menu to The Acting Profession above
- Hollywood Classics covers the Television and Film Industry that began in and adjacent to Hollywood, California, including Actors, Movies and other works originating from that classical Hollywood period.
- The Best in Comedy features the most popular comedians and comedy venues, whether in live performances or found in the Movies, Television, the Internet, and other venues.
- The Best of the (Old) West includes not only Old West Characters and Events, but also the many television shows and movies covering the Western United States, primarily in the 1800s
- Entertainers are those individuals, groups or venues with unique recognition , e.g., Ventriloquists, Illusionists, Circus or Rodeo Performers; as well as Award Programs and Other Recognition, etc.
- Celebrities covers celebrities of any nature not already recognized by other Web Pages, e.g., reality TV stars
- The Paranormal includes all forms of the occult, including TV series and Movies.
- Science Fiction covers authors, their works and media (Novels, TV, Film) addressing science fiction as follows
- Hobbies as Leisure Activities, whether Indoors or Outdoors (and not a Sport)
- Literature (including authors and books as well as videos if made into television series or movies)
- Other Forms of Entertainment covers any form of entertainment not otherwise covered by a web page, e.g. circus, rodeo, etc.
Note that by double-clicking on the Main Menu "MUSIC" page at top, you will find a list of topics developed to-date for each of the following listed web pages:
Click on any of the following blue hyperlinks to access that web page:
Below, you will find an image of the Main Menu
"ALL MEDIA" including a a drop-down list of 12 web pages: note that, by double-clicking on that Main Menu, you will also find a list of topics developed to-date by web page:
- Music by Genre
- Rock and Roll
- Rhythm and Blues
- All That Jazz
- Country Music
- RAP and Hip-Hop
- Other Popular Musical Arists
Below, you will find an image of the Main Menu
"ALL MEDIA" including a a drop-down list of 12 web pages: note that, by double-clicking on that Main Menu, you will also find a list of topics developed to-date by web page:
Note that by double-clicking on the Main Menu "ALL MEDIA" page at top, you will find a list of topics developed to-date for each of the listed web pages.
Click on any of the following blue hyperlinks to access that web page:
Click on any of the following blue hyperlinks to access that web page:
- Media in all its forms
- Our Free Press (supporting the First Amendment)
- Radio
- Television (genre)
- TV Classics
- Reality Television
- Best in TV Sitcoms
- Premium Television, e.g., Streaming
- Theater and Stage
- Movies (genre)
- Popular Movie Franchises
- Popular Movies (no Sequel or Prequel) & Presented by decade (1950-Current)
- Communications
Below, you will find the Main Menu for:
including a drop-down list of 6 web pages: by double-clicking on the Main Menu "COMMERCE", you will also find a list of topics developed to-date by web page:
Click on any of the following blue hyperlinks to be taken to that web page: ___________________________________________________________________________
Below, you will find the Main Menu for:
including a drop-down list of 8 web pages: by double-clicking on the Main Menu "USA", you will also find a list of topics developed to-date by web page:
including a drop-down list of 8 web pages: by double-clicking on the Main Menu "USA", you will also find a list of topics developed to-date by web page:
Click on any of the following blue hyperlinks to be taken to that web page:
- Life in the USA!
- Democracy in the United States
- Presidential Elections in 2024 (Sub-menu of Democracy in the United States)
- The Second Amendment
- Politics
- Great Americans
- Law and Order
- Military
Below, you will find an image of the Main Menu
"EARTH/BEYOND" and its 12 drop-down web pages: note that, by double-clicking on the Main Menu "EARTH/BEYOND", you will also find a list of topics developed to-date by web page:
"EARTH/BEYOND" and its 12 drop-down web pages: note that, by double-clicking on the Main Menu "EARTH/BEYOND", you will also find a list of topics developed to-date by web page:
Click on any of the following blue hyperlinks to be taken to that web page:
- Our Planet Earth
- Civilization
- Nations
- International Relations
- Religion
- Transportation
- Science
- Capitalism
- Agriculture
- Natural and Man-made Disasters
- War and other Military Conflicts